Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock
Seminar: Artistic Biographies - Details
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Veranstaltungsname Seminar: Artistic Biographies
Untertitel Introduction to the concept of Biographies through Art
Semester WS24/25
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 4
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 20
Heimat-Einrichtung Bereich für Theaterpädagogik
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar in der Kategorie Lehre
Nächster Termin Donnerstag, 28.11.2024 15:00 - 20:00
Voraussetzungen Active Participation in the Seminars
Lernorganisation Seminar Schedule

Seminar Schedule

1. 14.11.2024 (15:00 -17:00pm) S3 16
Biographical Theatre [theories, categories & genres)

2. 28.11.2024 (15:00-17:00 pm) S3 16
Guest Lecture by Prof. Marion Küster
Title: Biographical Theatre Work and its Relevance in the Schools in Germany and Cameroon: In Comparison

3. 12.12.2024 (15:00-17:00 pm) S3 16
Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Mercy Mirembe (University of Makerere)
Title: The PAF, Biographical Work in Theatre and Film in Uganda: The Role of Theatre in Education
4. 19.12. 2024 (15:00-17:00 pm) O1 01
Guest Lecture by Dr. Pepetual Mforbe Chiangong
Title: Biographical Theatre Work and its Relevance in the Schools in Cameroon
5. Blockseminar: 09.01.2025-10.01.2025 (15-19 pm)
Begins with a Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Rosvita Kolb-Bernardes (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)
6. Title: Biographical Work and Visual Art in Brazil and Work in the Schools

Biographical Work and Art in Education:

Day One 09.01.2025 (15:00-19:00 pm) S3 16
Day Two 10.01.2025 (13:00-19:00 pm) O1 01

7. Blockseminar: 23.01.25-24.01.2025
Biographical Work and Art in Education:
Day One 23.01.2025 (15:00-20:00 pm) S3 16 15-20 Uhr, wenn Coworking auf O1 01
Day Two 24.01.2025 (13:00-19:00pm) O1 01

Räume und Zeiten

Keine Raumangabe
Donnerstag: 15:00 - 20:00, wöchentlich


This seminar draws on theater, film, and visual art as critical lenses to explore the theory, practice and experiences of biographies. The seminar participants will be introduced to biography as a concept and as life narrative. Further, specific genres of biography will be explored and their relevance to artistic work will be discussed. In order to understand these aspects, the seminar will take a collaborative approach with the project “Künstlerische Biographien: Transkuturell-KÜBITRA” by incorporating its guest lectures and seminars on the subject from the perspective of visual art and biographical theatre from Brazil, Uganda, Germany, and Cameroon. Relevant critical approaches to the seminar will be biography and transdifference.