Allgemeine Informationen
Veranstaltungsname | Seminar: Artistic Biographies |
Untertitel | Introduction to the concept of Biographies through Art |
Semester | WS24/25 |
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden | 4 |
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl | 20 |
Heimat-Einrichtung | Bereich für Theaterpädagogik |
Veranstaltungstyp | Seminar in der Kategorie Lehre |
Nächster Termin | Donnerstag, 28.11.2024 15:00 - 20:00 |
Voraussetzungen | Active Participation in the Seminars |
Lernorganisation |
Seminar Schedule Seminar Schedule 1. 14.11.2024 (15:00 -17:00pm) S3 16 Biographical Theatre [theories, categories & genres) 2. 28.11.2024 (15:00-17:00 pm) S3 16 Guest Lecture by Prof. Marion Küster Title: Biographical Theatre Work and its Relevance in the Schools in Germany and Cameroon: In Comparison 3. 12.12.2024 (15:00-17:00 pm) S3 16 Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Mercy Mirembe (University of Makerere) Title: The PAF, Biographical Work in Theatre and Film in Uganda: The Role of Theatre in Education 4. 19.12. 2024 (15:00-17:00 pm) O1 01 Guest Lecture by Dr. Pepetual Mforbe Chiangong Title: Biographical Theatre Work and its Relevance in the Schools in Cameroon 5. Blockseminar: 09.01.2025-10.01.2025 (15-19 pm) Begins with a Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Rosvita Kolb-Bernardes (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) 6. Title: Biographical Work and Visual Art in Brazil and Work in the Schools Biographical Work and Art in Education: Interdisciplinary/Transdifference Day One 09.01.2025 (15:00-19:00 pm) S3 16 Day Two 10.01.2025 (13:00-19:00 pm) O1 01 7. Blockseminar: 23.01.25-24.01.2025 Biographical Work and Art in Education: Interdisciplinary/Transdifference Day One 23.01.2025 (15:00-20:00 pm) S3 16 15-20 Uhr, wenn Coworking auf O1 01 Day Two 24.01.2025 (13:00-19:00pm) O1 01 |